I don't need leaked cards to get excited... but it helps. Christmas for me came early when I heard that my favorite Marvel character is getting his own set!

Speaking of Christmas, it's nearly time to lock in your gifts and to share your wish lists! Zulu's will be offering limited in-store Black Friday Magic deals, including Matt's insane Loot Crates, as well as his regular and deluxe MTG pack bundles. See you Friday!
Speaking of Spider-Man, this little MTG roadmap also came out at Magic Fest Las Vegas. It looks pretty great to me.

What's most notable about all these Universes Beyond sets is that they are Standard playable from here forward. That's enough about next year's magic. Let's take a look at the awesome magic being played in-store this winter:
Foundations has launched and the set has been selling out in store. While it is great for new players it is no core set! It's got depth! Collectors and players both have lots to be excited about.
Zulu's prereleases saw lots of huge swings and great finishes, but the one you should see coming from a mile away involves the Mythic Bloodthirsty Conqueror. Kill this card on sight! This is the top end of solid vampire kindred decks, but it is also the key to a two-card combo that wins on the spot if the vampire player can gain a life, say, from playing any of the lifegain lands. Check it out:

Just in case you think I'm pulling your leg, it happened in the final match of last Wednesday's fall draft series winners table. I heard "It's .... happening....!!!" and this combo is exactly what I saw. Pretty sweet! Then the peanut gallery broke out in cheers.
Come join us for Foundation limited Friday Night Magic events from now though mid-January, when Innistrad Remastered drops. [Prerelease event registration is open.].

Speaking of amazing magic...did you see the MagicFest Las Vegas Vintage Cube draft?!? Wow! [Here's a link if you missed it] It was unique, in that the players kept the vintage cards that they drafted. Every pack was Rochester drafted (so the player with the first pick gets the best but only 1 card and the rest of the drafters get two). It's fun to note that 3 of the 8 players, including the winner are Zulu's customers.
Cube drafting is very much alive and well at Zulus. Multiple players bring their cubes and we usually draft two cubes per week. Look for the discussion on Discord and come join us Tuesdays. Ditto for Legacy, also Tuesday evenings.

However you enjoy your Magic the Gathering, you're in good company at Zulu's. Thanks for reading my update. However you choose to celebrate, happy holiday's to you and yours, and may all your packs be mythical.