TCG Singles Sales Policy

Order Pickup and Holding

  • In-Store Pickup: Customers can place orders for in-store pickup. We will hold these orders for a maximum of 3 days.
  • Extended Hold Requests: Customers can add a note to their order if they need us to hold it for longer, up to a week.

Prepaid Orders

  • Payment in Advance: Customers can choose to pay for their orders in advance.
  • Pickup Period: Prepaid orders must be picked up within one month.
  • Extended Pickup Requests: If more time is needed, customers should contact us within this period to request an extension.

Cancellations and Returns

  • Cancellations: We offer cancellations for 48 hours after an order has been made ready for pickup.
  • No Returns: We do not offer returns on TCG singles. For example, if a customer buys cards and comes in two weeks later, we cannot refund any cards from their order.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need to request an extension for order pickup, please contact us at

By placing an order with us, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.