Zulu's is proud to host another Modern Regional Championship Qualifier, where local MTG players take their next big step toward becoming Pros. We'll be playing competitive REL and the top 2 winners get an invitation to SSG TBD event, plus there's a $200 store credit going into the top 8 prize pool for every 8 players. That means a $1600 top 8 pot at max attendance.
Zulu's is providing the new Niv-Mizzet Pinfinity pins for the top 8 finishers. The winner gets an additional Champion badge and lanyard set.
Wizards is also providing promos for participants, while supplies last. First 32 to register get a "Prosperous Innkeeper", the top 8 get a promo "Fauna Shaman", and the winner + second place also get a Foil Promo "Fauna Shaman".
Format: Modern. Decklists are required.
6 rounds of swiss play if >32 players. Competitive REL. Followed by cut to top 8.
Cost: $40
Time: noon Saturday, 24 May
Plus, this is a double qualifier weekend. There will be an 11am Limited RCQ on Sunday. Save $10 by purchasing tickets for both!
See you at Zulu's, your LGS and a WPN Premium store.
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