The buzz over the summer was intense! And last weekend our dreams finally came true as the Zulu's community gathered to crack packs and play Lorcana together for the first time.

Professor Fran and Matt (aka Zulu of Zulu's) ran a great learn-to-plan followed up by a 3 rounds prerelease on Saturday. Demand for seats was intense (but much better than a ... um...Taylor Swift concert) and while we regret that we didn't have enough product or space for everyone to play, we want to invite you to join us on the ongoing league play of Lorcana at Zulu's. We love the game so far! We're also having a (SOLD OUT) release event this Saturday.
In case you didn't attend, here's a quick photo recap of what happened. Matt, Fran, Ben, Colleen & Audrey ran the learn-to-play all morning. Ink flowed, lore was quested for and players got starter decks to learn with and take home.

After that, about 60 players of all ages and experiences played in their first Lorcana tournament. It's fair to say that some folks learn new games faster than others, but a good time was had by all.
The turnout was large enough to take up ALL the event tables in Zulu's two main tournament rooms:

One additional reason why players were pumped: Zulu's secured three awesome signed Mickey promos and raffled them off to participants. This is one of the big draws of Organized Play (OP): sweet promos. Lorcana has beautiful alternate art versions of its best cards, so this was a treat for players just getting started with their collections!
Next weekend is PAX so there will be no in-store Lorcana events.
Sept 9th - constructed - registration info going up soon
Sept 16th - limited - registration info going up soon
We will have more booster boxes coming in September and once we have those we will be adding Lorcana Drafts to our event calendar.
Thanks for supporting Zulu's and being a part of our growing Lorcana community. We're committed to being the best place in the region to come trade and play.